A book of Dr Amineh Hoti, a well-known author and researcher, was launched at the Christian Study Centre, Rawalpindi on Monday.
The book “GEMS and JEWELS: The Religions of Pakistan” was sponsored by Murree Brewery Company Limited. Distinguished guest such as Dr. Qibla Ayaz, chairman of Islamic Council, and Isphanyar Bhandara the Chief Executive of Murree Brewery, were present along with the representatives of different religions in Pakistan.
Dr. Amineh Hoti said that the book and the launch event has been sponsored by Murree Brewery Company Limited, she took this opportunity to thank the chief of Murree Brewery Isphanyar Bhandara.
People perceive Pakistan as a Muslim nation only throughout the globe, though people from different religions reside in this country too and in this book Dr. Amineh Hoti has discussed these religions thoroughly. Furthermore, she added that she named the book “GEMS and JEWELS” because she believes people residing in Pakistan with different faiths are the real gems and jewels of Pakistan. Lastly, she thanked each and every one of the guests and people part of the launch ceremony.
At this occasion, the Chief Executive of Murree Brewery Company said, “People from different faiths residing in Pakistan are wishful of a prosperous and peaceful Pakistan, with patience, resilience and discipline he minorities of Pakistan are enjoying their lives with freedom in the country and this brotherhood amongst everyone in the country shall forever remain intact for the positive upbringing of the country.” While talking about the book, Mr. Bhandara added that this book along with the facts about different religions of Pakistan has also brought to light the notion of inter faith harmony and the historical facts about these religion and reading this book will most definitely help our young generation know more about the different people with different faiths in the country.
This book is showcasing the soft image of Pakistan where we tell the world the people of all faith living in Pakistan peacefully.
This is not just a book but it is a service to the motherland. This book will help building positive image of Pakistan amongst the global world and proves, Pakistan is a peace striving nation.